About us - our brand

We hear from all sides about the importance of building a brand that will differentiate us from the competition. Sometimes I feel that we invent a "brand" and then adapt our activities to it. In our case it is the opposite. For thirty-five years, together with my husband, we have been building the brand "Happy Family PITEK"😊. No, we don't build, but we live daily. Just as each of us lives the economy every day.

I admit, I didn't like my last name. When the kids were learning about the "Pithecanthropus, Australopithecus" at school, they came home crying because the other kids were making fun of them. However, PITEK and ECONOMICS can be combined into a unique brand - PITEKONOMICS. Why did I put my name in economics?

PITEK and ECONOMICS fit together like the gears of a watch. After all, at the age of 18, I fell in love with "both parts of the brand", they belong together. I want this brand to survive me and the study of economics to bring joy to people all over the world. The journey to create my own brand, which differentiates my approach to research and study of economics from the competition, took 35 years...


  • Your Economics

The book will explain the laws of Economics in a simple way for everyone. The market cycle, demand, supply, competition, money, product, inflation, unemployment, government, crisis and other concepts are inserted into the life story of a mother of four children who has been professionally engaged in Economics.



on  AMAZON  $ 9.80


"Your Economics"

Just as households and businesses are made up of people and their mutual relationships, so the economic system depends on the specific decisions of specific people. The alpha and omega of the economy is a man. An ordinary good man. Goodman, the mascot of this book.


Dolný Smokovec 16223, Vysoké Tatry 05981-SK
